Kim Trepanier
Senior Compliance and Training Consultant

After 15 dedicated years in the pharmaceutical industry in quality and compliance, Kim leverages her background in microbiology and biochemistry to provide clients with quality deliverables and assured peace of mind. Since obtaining her master's degree from the University of Montreal, she has worked tirelessly to leave no stone unturned in her path. She holds a B.Sc. in Biology (Microbiology and immunology) and a Professional M.Sc. in Biochemistry a leading-edge degree focused on combining scientific and business expertise both from Montreal University. She also has a Diploma in College Education from Sherbrooke University.

Thanks to her field experience in audit and compliance, she knows how to concretely help her clients to adjust their procedures and processes in order to obtain the targeted accreditations and approvals, and allows them to facilitate their access to various standards, such as ISO 17 025 and ISO 15 189. In addition, her passion for training will ensure clients understand and retain regulatory requirements.